Monday, September 26, 2011

Live Demo at Little Buffalo Art Festival on October 1 by Thom Glace

Photograph Reference for Demo
of an Arctic Graylingof the Salmonidae Family
that includes Salmon, Char & Trout.

Final Prep for Live Demo of
'Watercolor Study of an Arctic Graying (Salvelinus alpinus)'

I will be painting an Arctic Graying at a live demo
this weekend in Perry County at the Little Buffalo Festival.
The Photo is one of 16 reference photographs I will be
using for detail and color. I always pencil in my deminsions
and the first couple of washes before a demo.
The research and initial drawing take more time than
the painting. And all the potential customers want to
see - is me painting pretty colors on the Mat Board.

I will be adding paintings of 2 artificial Stonefly Nymph flies
and the Nymph of the Nemoura arctica-
also known as the Arctic Forestfly- a common Stonefly
found in the Distribution Area of the Arctic Graying.

Next week I will show the final painting of the Graying.



belle said...

nice painting.

Kathy Michels said...

I bet everyone loves your demos. The coloring on that fish is just beautiful. I can't wait to see you bring it to life with watercolors. Your fish are always amazing!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I am going to have to go to one of your demos, Thom. I am always so impressed when you post your process here up on the DPP blog - and can only imagine that it would be even more impressive in person.