Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oil landscape by Michael LeKites

I made a decision some time back and have gone from full time to part time with my day job, working one less day a week. But still I need more time and it's quite frustrating for me. I am now painting nearly 40-50 hours a week as well as working 4 days a week with my day job. Also have been spending time as possible studying some of the old masters.
I feel I've finally made a good transition to oils by completing these past two fantasy landscapes. I've now started a real landscape... a bit "fantasy light" you might say.  Last Friday I went up through the mountains and found a good spot. The early morning mist was right. I've skipped starting with an acrylic wash and went straight to the oil. My first step here was to capture the mood. I think I have the right color and atmosphere. Now I'm beginning composition. Oil on canvas 16x20.


Taryn Day said...

Michael, I sympathize with your frustration but I admire you for working so hard at both your day job and your paintings. I like the experimental and emotional tone to this piece.

Dianne Lorden said...

I so resect your work ethic! And this painting looks like it's going to be exciting,

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

It will be worth the sacrifices and hard work, Michael - you are so talented.

Donna said...

Hang in there. When I was scrolling down I saw your painting and thought it was finished. I thought it was an abstract landscape & really like it already! Nice work.

Deborah Nell said...

I really like your tree. I see a woman in the tree. Very nice.