Monday, September 26, 2011

"Low Tide" by Taryn Day

oil on panel
10"x 8"
I went against my three year habit of finishing a painting in one or two days- I spent four days on this.  It felt good to work a little larger, and get into more specifics.  Speaking of specifics, there was so much detail in the rocks that I had to continually use my brain to pick and choose what was most important.  Before I started painting more loosely and quickly, I used to approach painting almost as though I were knitting a sweater, working on one section at a time, with talk radio in the background to prevent boredom.  Now I try and consider the entire painting with each stroke, which takes much more concentration.
To see more of my work visit:
My Daily Paintworks Gallery
Awake and Painting Blog
Taryn Day Fine Art


Kathy Michels said...

Your work is wonderful. I love how each of your pieces show such depth.

Jane Ramsey said...

lovely.. the rocks are amazing!
I love the composition as well....

Unknown said...

Very clever composition. I like how the squares and rectangles of the rocks lead my eye to the figure.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Cezanne, Braque, Picasso, Cubism all came to my mind when I saw this piece, especially with the rock and grasss areas--strong, solid composition--love the figure as a counterpoise.

Cecelia Lyden said...
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Taryn Day said...

Thanks so much, Cecelia, Charlotte, Cathy and Jane. I do feel like slowing down a bit in my work and appreciate the feedback!

Julie Riker said...

beautiful angular rocks that lead the eye out to the sea

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Your ability to convey so much with an economy of impeccable brushwork is amazing. I really, really like this, Taryn.

blah said...

I really love your technique!

Christine Marx said...

Love, love, love the rocks! I struggled doing a plein air in a rocky location last month and have a greater appreciation for painting them. You nailed it. Also great composition!

Bertie Brown said...

Makes me miss my Fav. place..Rockport, Mass......