Friday, July 1, 2011

Vineyard Melody by Jack Paluh

Vineyard Melody

I find the wine country of Northeast, PA a very picturesque and beautiful place to paint.

(Happy to be back on Daily Painters of Pennsylvania!)

Jack Paluh Arts, Inc.


Mary Beth Brath said...

So glad to have you posting again Jack! The painting is gorgeous and I agree - our vineyards are wonderful indeed.

Unknown said...

I love the violet color with the greens. Beautiful; welcome back to DPP

Autumn Leaves said...

This is just gorgeous, Jack!

Christine Marx said...

what a beautiful painting Jack! It reminds me of wine country in California that I used to live near.

Dianne Lorden said...

This is just stunning, Jack - I really love it!

Cecelia Lyden said...


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

The colors in this are gorgeous! Welcome back to DPP, Jack.