Monday, April 25, 2011

Watercolor by Kathy Michels

This was one of the first paintings I did nearly two years ago when I began painting seriously. I have always loved art and creating. When raising children some things are put on hold. When the last of our three boys ventured out on his own about five years ago I started to "dabble" in watercolors. I truly loved the medium and loved the ability to create. I then found a wonderful teacher and great friend. This painting was somewhat of a turning point that he had me paint during those first few weeks. I had to collect items that were about me personally. If I died tomorrow those who knew me should recognize this painting as being about things I enjoyed. I still think about that at times when I paint. When we paint we should paint with a fierce passion - paint like there is no tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Painting the things, people or places that mean the most to us is what matters, I think. If someone else likes what we've created, that's a bonus. The reward is in the creation of that which we love.

Your love shows in this piece, Kathy. Very nice.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I think when we paint what we love, it shows in the final painting. Your sentence "When we paint we should paint with a fierce passion - paint like there is no tomorrow" says it all!
Great painting, Kathy.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Awesome post Kathy. So happy I read it in the morning as I start my day!