Monday, November 8, 2010

"Autumn by the Lake" By Debra Tritt Kreiger

"Autumn by the Lake" 5.25"x8.25" watercolor on 140lb paper

This is a plein air painting I did while at Fuller lake painting with my friends. This is looking across the lake. The colors and light was awesome! It was a really beautiful fall day and just perfect for our painting and picnic!

To contact me about the purchase of this painting or see more of my work go to follow my blog at or you can shop in my new store, Deb's Gifts


Cecelia Lyden said...

You are right about the colors and light that day and you have captured that special day with this painting.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I agree with Cecelia, and feel that this painting takes me right back to that beautiful day. Your work positively sparkles with light.
(I made up the cake that you had made for our picnic at Fuller Lake, and it was a HUGE hit!)

Debra Kreiger said...

Thanks all. Time to get back to some studio work!

Unknown said...

Deb, could this be something for the members Emerald show in February at CALC? My monitor might not be true to the color you painted it but it's really Very nice.