Sunday, October 10, 2010

Five Is Too Many by Mary Beth Brath

Five Is Too Many by Mary Beth Brath
Mini Acrylic on an ATC
Completed in one day in the time it took the Yankees to clean up the division title! The actual painting is much more saturated in yummy colors. This was painted on an Artist Trading Card. I will mat and frame the piece and add it to my new Confections Series that can be found in my studio at Gallerie 13 in Mechanicsburg.


Cecelia Lyden said...

Yes, but one would be just right--yummy looking and yummy tasting.

blah said...

You could never have too many of those! I can almost smell them! Guess we'll have to go to the bakery now after church!

Bertie Brown said...

a quintet of confections is quite enough!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Really a nice job... and done so small. Maybe would need all five.

Julie Riker said...

Simply delicious! 5 may be too many to eat, but it makes an interesting composition.
Looking forward to seeing more in this series, Mary you get to eat the confections after you paint them?

Deborah Nell said...

Each confection painting creates anticipation for the next one. Great job.

Mary Beth Brath said...

I am just warming up. I will be going large soon - and I mean the canvas - My personal structure needs to decrease in size so I better just paint the goodies...Well maybe just one! HA.