Gettysburg Quick Draw Competition 2012
8x10 Acrylic on canvas
I was happy to participate in the plein air quick draw competition on
Friday. I must say I'm liking these competitions! The pressure to do a
painting in 2 hours! It's been a great experience meeting different
people and painting with friends!
To see more of my work go to follow my blog at or you can shop in my new store, Deb's Gifts
Yay!! That was a really fun event; I'm so glad you sold you beautiful QD painting!
Congrats! These things are addictive aren't they?
This was a painting worthy of an award; the award that you received from it was the "reward" of someone purchasing it. It was a beautiful painting Deb and congratulations on the sale too.
Your painting was among the best Deb and Linda is right! "You kicked plein air butt."
This was an outstanding painting, Deb - so neat that you sold both your Camp Hill Plein Air and Gettysburg Festival quick draw paintings!!!!!!!!!!!
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