Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Leister Farm - Gettysburg Festival, Dianne Lorden

Here is one of the paintings in pastel I created, using soft pastels on sanded paper, during the Gettysburg Festival. It's shown with a photo of me working on it and a snapshot taken at the scene. Had a great time on that beautiful day and even entertained a couple of visitors and a Park Ranger! Craig strolled to the Visitors Center and retrieved coffees for us, so really - how does it get better than that?
This one SOLD during the reception. (Yay!)
View my fine art at South Mountain Sketchbook


Mary Beth Brath said...

Great post Dianne. I have so enjoyed watching you paint and sell your work during the annual Gburg Festivals. Best of Success to you in future festivals. You are well loved!

Dianne Lorden said...

Thanks, Mary Beth! Hope to see you soon!

Deborah Nell said...

Congratulations on your sale. I can see why it sold. Wonderful texture and light.