Saturday, February 11, 2012

Maggie (commissioned dog portrait) by Linda Young

copyright Linda Young 2012
The actual color of the watercolor paper is white; but doesn't appear that way in  this photograph.  In addition, I totally forgot to take a picture of the dog portrait with all the mask off of it!  I was going to post a photo of the painting with the mask taken off showing before and after; but I didn't even remember.   I've been dealing with a very bad cold and it's caused me to lose work for a day and to sleep alot.  I can blame my absentmindedness on that, okay?

After the mask was removed on Maggie, I really increased the values and used a variety of colors on it today.  In this stage, which I'm calling the third stage wash and details, the following colors were used:

Cobalt Blue, Burnt Sienna, Fr. Ultramarine Blue, Raw umber, Burnt Umber, Quinacridone Gold, Quinacridone Red, Rose Madder Genuine, Cerulean Blue.

This will be put in a place so I can view it for awhile to evaluate .

What will be the next step?   Probably, the background or softening some edges...we'll see

Linda Young Watercolors P O Box 941 Carlisle, Pa. 17013


Debra Kreiger said...

Very nice Linda. Hope your feeling better soon!

Tatiana said...

Getting better and better. Looking forward to see the finishing touch!

Taryn Day said...

Amazing painting, Linda. Your technique is superb.

Portrait Painting said...

Amazing painting, Your brushwork is amazing.

Unknown said...

Wow, thank you.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

You've done a magnificent job on this, Linda. I am sure that your client is going to be thrilled when they see this!!!

Julie Riker said...

Sweet doggie and very well done.