Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Above the Susquehanna" by Michael LeKites

Who said a painting is never really finished? At some point you have to just walk away. Well, I was never satisfied with the colors in this so I've continued to play with it. I think I've improved it  quite bit since I last posted an image. I will probably work one more session on it at some point but this will be the last image I post. Oil on canvas, 16x20.


Christine Marx said...

I think this is my favorite painting of yours Michael. Did you add some reds/rusts in the trees? It's fantastic and such a strong composition and amazing colors!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

This is so full of depth and mystery. Wonderful!

blah said...

Yes, I added color throughout and toned down the green. I had used permanent green light in the grass before and straight cadmium yellow. At first I like the boldness but I think this calms it down a bit. Then to compensate, I added rose madder as a glaze in the trees at right.

Deb Watson said...

I love foggy scenes and you did this really well.

Deborah Nell said...

This is absolutely stunning.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Ahhhh - I like it.

Unknown said...

The fogginess gives me a good feeling remembering days I lived in Wyoming. Many mornings, the fog looked just like this, especially during the hunting season there. Nice job.

Debra Kreiger said...

Beautiful Michael. Love the feeling of this painting!