Sunday, December 4, 2011

Compost Bin - 5X7 oil on W/C paper - Steve Wetzel

While burning some brush at the old childhood homestead today, I took a little time to set up a lawn chair, break out the thumb box, and do this little 5x7 study of the compost bin. The sunlit grass and the deep shadow of the compost stack made for a very nice contrast. I painted this on gessoed w/c paper tinted a soft golden yellow...and used the handle end of the brush to scratch in the sunlight on the left side of the compost poles...and also to scratch out some of the light colored rocks on the wall in the background.


Corey Fou Chong said...

Steve, I love the strong green and cool reds in the background.

Christine Marx said...

Love the atmosphere on this one Steve, and the green of the grass.

Taryn Day said...

The distant colors contrasted with the bright greens in the foreground are wonderfully described. Wonderful freshness to this painting.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Great idea keeping a small box to paint whenever, wherever!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great post Steve!

Debra Kreiger said...

Nice little painting.