Sunday, October 2, 2011

Still Life WIP by Tatiana Myers. Mische technique. First stage of tempera is finished.

Today I fished my first stage of  white tempera and this is mostly what i wanted to see... no I have to let it along for a few days and let it dry. After that I'm going to apply another veil  of Oil Paint. This time it will be yellow. Painting will have to dry again and then I'll have to refresh all lights with more of tempera. Veil of blue will be to follow and mote of tempera... It will finish my value work for this painting and then it will be time for color... I do need a lot of paitience to keep up with this routine, but fortunately while this one will dry I may as well start paint another something...   Perhaps not that complicated. 

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site: 


blah said...

Looking fantastic! Can't wait to see how it all ends up!

Unknown said...

Complicated process! I'm looking forward to more. Thanks for describing it all.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Michael and Linda!
Complicated, agree, but I do like it... will post more soon.

Debra Kreiger said...

Amazing patience you have Tatiana. That's what it take to master techniques. I enjoy seeing the process. Thank You!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Debra! Yes... that what it takes!...I think after few of those, I'll have plenty of confidence, but I'm not even nearly there yet!