Sunday, October 2, 2011

Group of Three, 30 x 40, Ron Donoughe

This is another from the 10th Ward area of Lawrenceville. I was intrigued how the light carved out these three houses from the shadowed hillside. Since I've moved about a mile from my studio I can walk and more closely observe possible subjects. Driving doesn't do the same thing.

On another note, I just returned from a plein air festival in Wheeling, West Virginia. It is called Paint Olgebay, which is an amazing park, resort and nature reserve. I'll return next year because it is an excellent event. This year, despite rain and cool temps, 65 artists painted for the three days. Here is the website for anyone who may be interested.


Patricia A. Griffin said...


Cecelia Lyden said...

Ron you are the master of the mundane--making it so worthy of your talent--love the window air conitioners.

Julie Riker said...

I love the light in your paintings!!
And thanks for the link. That does sound like something I might like to do..and maybe take your workshop as well!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love the play of light and shadow - really exceptional painting, Ron!

Taryn Day said...

I LOVE the composition and the strong source of light.