Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Samantha" by Michael LeKites

Graphite on smooth Bristol. 10x12. (this was also my model for the Angel oil painting I am currently working on).


Corey Fou Chong said...

Michael, I really like the tonal contrast of lights and darks in her hair and skin, very nice range of values.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hi Michael! This is full of emotion and she leaves the audience wondering if there is a story behind those eyes.

Donna said...

Very beautiful Michael!

Ron Donoughe said...

Very very well done!

Taryn Day said...

Michael, you sure know how to draw! Technically great, plus a lot of powerful emotion.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Stunningly beautiful.

blah said...

Thanks so much for all the nice comments! I have another pencil work I will be doing of a different pose with her.. similar to the pose I am using in the painting. This whole project has been a labor and a lot of fun. You know.. you get a vision and you go and make a few steps... it evolves, this works and you find out that doesn't. Creating the costume was fun. Again, thanks!