Friday, October 14, 2011

"Dunes" Pastel painting by Tatiana Myers

8 x 10" Pastel on sanded paper. 

Another small work  in Western pastel series. While visiting our friends in Idaho, Jim and I went ATV riding in the desert. It was very hot and yet - so beautiful. I took my little "all weather proof" very outdoorsy digital camera instead my big  SLR camera and I was happy I did!.. We got a little big of everything - sand, rain and yes, once again - high heat. But also we got some great photos and videos and had totally wonderful time.
And I hope to turn some of those memories into beautiful paintings. This is a one of them.

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site: 


Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I like the colors from out west. So different from what we have here in PA. You did a wonderful job.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Love the crisp look of the foreground and the softened landscape in the distance. Miss seeing you Tatiana!

blah said...

Absolutely amazing! This is an incredible piece of work! Positivity absolutely amazing!

Taryn Day said...

Very beautiful! So sensitive!

Tatiana said...

Maria, Mary Beth, Michael, Taryn - thank You to all. I need to frame it... and ultimately I want to paint it bigger with some slight changes. Do not have a right board to do it. But I still have few more 8x10" what I can use for few more try-outs. Mean while I'm about to go back to my tempera. it should be almost dry.