Thursday, September 15, 2011

Watching the Sun Set ~ Linda Young Watercolors

Titled:  "Watching the Sun Set"
©Linda Young
11 x 14
Mixed water media
They made plans all day for this night.  Tonight, they'd wear the dresses and hats they bought at one of the boardwalk stores to walk barefoot along the beach.  They'd remember it all; the boys they met and the amusement park rides and riding bicycles, eating pizza and caramel popcorn and the cool sand that squished between their toes.  Oh, how they wished it never had to end...

It was their first time to be away from home alone.  Tonight, will be their last night; tomorrow they'll go home.  But, this night, they would walk along the shoreline to stop and listen to the hiss of the waves as they crept toward them with the tide.  They will feel the misty ocean breeze on their faces  and bask in the glory and warmth of the setting sun as it melted into the sea. 

Tonight, they were best friends and they knew they always would be, forever.

If you'd like to see more of my work, please visit my website


Autumn Leaves said...

I am reminded of Renoir in this beauty, Linda. Love your words to go along with this painting. I so can see your vision.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love the accompanying story that goes with this lovely painting, Linda. Our friends are so important!

Unknown said...

Thank you Claire and Autumn.