Friday, September 16, 2011

Rowe's Barn On Coulter Road
Plein Air Watercolor, N. Bennington, VT
Jane Ramsey

Rowe's Barn On Coulter Road, plein air watercolor, 12 x 9

This is another painting from the North Bennington Vermont Plein Air Event held earlier this month. Despite a rainy, grey day (thanks to Hurricane Lee), I managed to paint this lovely old barn. Right after finding this spot to paint the rain subsided and slowly the sun began to pierce through the thick cloud cover. 
I loved this peaceful setting with the barn high on the horizon above me. The run off from the heavy rains was meandering through the fields, making its way under the driveway to join a babbling brook behind me. The steady gurgling sound kept me company. Horses grazed in the pastures behind me. The overcast skies created soft colors and sublte shadows from the diffused light.

You can read more about this painting on my blog, Plein Air Pairings.


Taryn Day said...

Extremely beautiful, Jane! I love the way your composition leads the eye around this pleasant and subtle scene.

Mary Beth Brath said...

I like your perspective. Lovely painting.

Jane Ramsey said...

Thank you Taryn and Mary Beth... I loved the vantage point too. So glad I walked back down the driveway to find this spot to paint. It was challenging to keep the subtle look... over half way through the sun got brighter and then the shadows and highlights were intense. Had to keep remembering the softness that first captured my eye.

Dianne Lorden said...

This is really beautiful, Jane. You have a lovely touch and technique.

blah said...

Wow! Love it!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is such an inviting painting, Jane. I love the high horizon line and the way it leads me right up to the barn. Beautiful!

Jane Ramsey said...

Thanks everyone. It was such an inviting scene ... one of those times that as soon as I saw it, I instantly knew I had to paint it. It just pulled me in.