Thursday, September 15, 2011

by Claire Beadon Carnell
100 Paintings in 100 Days Challenge
'Inspirations from a Back Yard'

'Pears de Deux'
Oil on Canvas panel
 8 x 8

Day 90

I loved this pair (no pun intended), and the interesting
shadow that the stem created on my backdrop.
It reminded me of a pas de deus in ballet, where
two dancers dance together. 

 I am very fortunate to have orchards all around where
I live, and my favorite is Hollabaugh's which is right
up the road from me in Biglerville, PA.
Recently I called them because I wanted to get some
fruit that still had the stems and some leaves attached.
They were so gracious - they actually drove me
right up into the orchard and let me pick out
exactly what I was looking for.  (Just writing this
reminded me that I need to go there soon to
 purchase some more honey crisp apples!)

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:


Unknown said...

I can see why you loved this cute little pear pair! Love to go to Hollabaugh's too. (Thanks for the reminder!)

Jane Ramsey said...

Love the elegant play of shadow and negative space.... beautiful!