Friday, September 23, 2011

"Tyson" Oil Painting by Charlotte Yealey

Oil on board
Tyson is a sweet, white boxer owned by me daughter and I enjoyed painting him like I have done many times. Check out more of my art on my website at


Kathy Michels said...

Oh your dogs are so amazing. There is always so much personality and character in each and every one - just beautiful!

Autumn Leaves said...

Tyson is amazing, Charlotte. My daughter has two Boxers. Harley is 8 now and he still has all his energy and that frantic tail wagging but he is as gray as I am! I know she'll be devastated when he goes and I will as well.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kathy. Dogs have always been in my life through work and play.

Julie Riker said...

Lovely use of color.

Unknown said...

Thanks Julie!