Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still Life WIP by Tatiana Myers. Starting with tempera.

I think I mentioned before, but if I didn't, this will be a good time to do so, that this is going to be very unusual and most complicated piece I have even done. If everything works out (what I hope it should) painting will result some very interesting  illusion created by glow of optical grays... Very beautiful effect indeed and so far I only tried it once.
Now I have my ink drawing sealed with imprimatura (crimson red oil) and starting with first stage of  tempera.
I only will use white paint this time, building it up to 3-D appearance, and using crimson-red as my darkest dark. Somewhat complicated process what I may compare to working with scratchboard - live the darks and put highlights one. It will keep me busy for a while and when I'm finished with this I'll be back with another update.

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site: 


Crystal J. said...

This is looking really interesting so far, especially because of the redness it is.

blah said...

Very interesting. Looks good already.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! How interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress Tatiana.


A third interesting from me, too--looks like an amazing image will result.

Julie Riker said...

I actually like this just in the red - very intense.

Christine Marx said...

I'm with Julie. I'm sure it will be so gorgeous when it's done but something about it in just the red is so striking and beautiful!

Tatiana said...

Have to agree - it is totally magical at this stage (it is better in person compare to photo). But I have intentions to take it trough all stages and see what I'll end up with. It will be time consuming, but all my paintings are this way, unless I'm just fulling around. What is occasionally nice too!

belle said...

love the bright color, it really is good, well done.

Kathy Michels said...

This is an amazing painting. I always enjoy that you share your different techniques and processes with us. I can't wait to see the finished piece!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Kathy!
If you do enjoy WIPs, this one is too watch for... it will have 7 layers of underpainting. Call me crazy. :-)

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This red underpainting is going to provide a wonderful contrast to the green of the kiwi - can't wait to see your next step!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Claire!... This is more complicated that just red underpainting... but you will see. It will be 3 underpaintings in different colors one after another... End result should be beautiful, unless something goes very wrong... but I don't think it will be the case. I'm trying to be positive about whole process!