Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Refuge - Looking East by Julie Riker

12x24 oil

This is another painting that I did from the Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge.  This is actually painted from the same location as the previous work I posted, only turned 180 degrees looking the other direction.  This side of the marsh has more water and less solid land.  I painted this in two afternoons, when the sun's direction allowed the most reflections of trees and sky.  Aside from the mosquitoes it was a peaceful place to paint.

If you would like to see more of my work please visit my website


Tatiana said...

Beautiful, Julie! I think you had a great progress on your Plein Air works over this summer. Good for you!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Julie--the horizontal format shows off this peaceful, beautifully painted landscape so well--wonderful depth

Dianne Lorden said...

Julie, this piece really draws me in and through; you did a lovely job creating depth. And the colors are bright and soothing at once. Lovely!

Unknown said...

Julie, I love this area and you captured the essence ofit in both paintings! Beautiful!

Julie Riker said...

Thanks so much Cecelia, Diane, and Charlotte! I do love this spot and hope to go back sometime.

belle said...

wow i love the view, it does look peaceful.

Taryn Day said...

Julie, this is so lovely. I love the composition, with the blue water looking a bit like a spiraling star.

Kathy Michels said...

Your landscapes are always so serene and so peaceful. I just love them. This is just gorgeous!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Your recent plein air work from Chincoteague has been especially beautiful, Julie. The depth and composition - everything is done with confidence and mastery.