Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Side Street Parking
Jane Ramsey

Side Street Parking, Ink & Watercolor, 14 x 11, plein air

I just returned from a five day plein air event in North Bennington, Vermont. The southwestern corner of Vermont received some damage from Hurricane Irene, but not enough to stop the event. The first two days were challenging with heavy rains from another uninvited guest - Hurricane Lee!
These old red buildings with their funky array of lawnmowers, snowblowers and junk caught my eye. I worked out in the alley and ducked under cover in one of the back doorways of the building behind me when the rain got heavy. (Like the splashy, dappled spots in my green trees to the right -- some painting assistance from the rain!)
People stopped by to chat and one woman related how the neighbors were taking action to make the owner clean up the place. "That sure is a **hole," one woman said, amused that I had chosen that subject matter. "Yes, I said, but it's one heck of a great scene to paint."
Towards the end, my paper was so wet it looked like a wavy roller coaster ride. A women came out for a smoke break and then I found out the back door was an entrance to a beauty shop. She kindly offered to help anyway she could and so I carried the painting inside for a little hair dryer time! I love working plein air and improvising on the fly!


Cecelia Lyden said...

Your painting accurately depicts your experience in Vermont on a rainy day--love American settings and paintings.

Tony Conner said...

Nice painting! And thanks for being part of the event again this year!

Taryn Day said...

Wonderful painting and great story. I meet the nicest people while I'm out and about painting, and it sounds like you do too.

Unknown said...

Nice painting, agreed! Regardless of the rain that tried to help you paint the trees it's a lovely and interesting piece.

Jane Ramsey said...

Thanks everyone. Taryn I do love that aspect of the plein air experience. Met so many wonderful people in Vermont and had many nice invitations to paint on some great properties.

Autumn Leaves said...

Jane, this is absolutely exquisite. I love this scene and can easily see what attracted you to it. It makes a great piece!