Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Forgotten Way by Michael LeKites

A lesson in always checking your emails. Usually I check email just about everyday but have been behind. So, last week I started going through some things and found an old email from an art consulting firm outside of Philly. They were working for Susq. Health buying artwork for the hospital here in town.  (the email, though, was 12 days old!... Ouch!) So I properly responded although quite late!  They were interested in two paintings from my blog. One of which, unfortunately, was a commission piece and I no longer had. The other was "The Forgotten Way." So we agreed to a price, they sent me an invoice and the painting was shipped last Friday!


Cecelia Lyden said...


Unknown said...

congratulations Michael

Dianne Lorden said...

You accomplished a striking painting, with the angle and the colors; I especially like the violet tones. Glad you sold it!

Donna said...

Congrats!! Love the angle!