Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Original Plein Air Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Little Round Top'
Oil on Linen Panel
9 x 12

We had a beautiful day to paint at Little Round Top
on the Gettysburg Battlefield.  I found a nice shady spot
to paint from, but that tricky sun managed to come
around and blaze down on me with its full
force.  At least I was fortunate that the black snake
that visited one of the other painters did not come and
visit me as well...

This particular view from Little Round Top includes a
view of the Codori Farm in the background, as well as
the spire from the Lutheran Seminary.

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:


Mary Beth Brath said...

Beautiful painting Claire. You seem to nail every painting. OK - I want to hear more about this snake! I painted with a snake at Sach's Covered Bridge. Plein Air painting is not for the timid souls.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Such a wonderful composition--great sense of airness and distance-juat what you need in "vista" painting.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Mary Beth - the black snake visited Paul Gallo. He was painting not far from where I was situated, so I kept my eyes on 'snake-watch' as soon as I found out he had seen one!!!
I did have a large bumblebee that wanted to explore the terrain under the brim of my hat...small problem compared to a SNAKE.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank you Cecelia - I love your painting from Fort Hunter.

Julie Riker said...

I love how this composition allows us to peek over the rocks. Another great battlefield painting for your collection.

Unknown said...

You've done it! Gone full circle on Little Round Top. Wonderful painting!
Did you have many watching you? (besides the snake abd bumble bee?) lol

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank you Julie - I am getting a good group of paintings to select from for my exhibit of battlefield paintings this November down at the Delaplaine Art Center in Frederick, MD!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I have never seen as many people as were there at the Little Round Top yesterday. Mobs of people - a lot of bus tours, youth groups, and people from other countries. I am sure they had come for the 150th Anniversary celebration of the Civil War at Gettysburg.
Everyone was great, and we did get the 'Do you know Bob Ross' question a couple of times! One friendly gentleman wanted to talk...and talk, and I tried my best to be polite and still keep painting. It was great fun!!!

Christine Marx said...

What a beautiful painting Claire! It reminds me very much of a spot in Northern Cal, with the rolling hills and beautiful rock outcroppings. It's a splendid piece. Knowing that you braved snakes to do it makes it even more impressive!

Debra Kreiger said...

Beautiful Painting Claire! Love the view!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks so much, Christine and Deb!

Bertie Brown said...

ahh, that little house on the prairie is just a great complement to the boulders in the foreground! nice composition!

Deborah Nell said...

This is a beautiful painting. What a skill to paint plein air you have. And all the adventures that go with it... snakes, bees, curious people...again, this is beautiful.