Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Great news! by Christine Marx

I am so thrilled. I just got word from Mary Beth that one of my pieces from the show "Tulips and Pears" was sold. Thanks again to Mary Beth and everyone who worked so hard to put on such a beautiful show!


Cecelia Lyden said...

As well as it should--you do perfect work--congratulations.

Christine Marx said...


Thank you! I love your new posting. Beautiful work!!

Tatiana said...

Great news, congratulations! It will be nice to see more works sold our days and this show is exceptional one. I hope people will start realizing it.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Congratulations on the sale of your marvelous painting, Christine!

Julie Riker said...

Congratulations Christine!

Debra Kreiger said...

Congratulation Christine! Lovely painting! So nice ti talk to you at the reception.

Unknown said...

Christine, was it purchased by the people who posed for a picture with you that night?


Ron Donoughe said...

Awesome painting! Congrats!

Christine Marx said...

Thank you so much everyone. It was so much fun meeting and talking to so many of you. I am sorry I did not get to meet everyone that night. What a big crowd!


No. I didn't meet them. I only posed with my daughter in front of the painting. They bought the painting after I left.