Monday, June 20, 2011

Bushman Farm (from 2011 G'burg Fest Paint Out) by Dianne Lorden

I'm still organizing my photos from the 10-day Gettysburg Fringe Fest Plein Air Paint Out. Here are images from Day 2, with the pastel at top. On this day, I actually had to scrap my initial attempt (seen on easel) to begin anew on a different surface. I learned, during this festival, that a sanded surface works better for me when painting in the field. It was very frustrating, but once I made that switch - on the go! - the rest of the fest went better for me.

I'll soon be posting my work from this year's Gettysburg Festival on my website, which is:


Mary Beth Brath said...

Did this one sell? There were at least 3 people interested in it. I don't have the list of sold works.

Christine Marx said...

Wow, great color!!

Dianne Lorden said...

Yes, Mary Beth. This one did sell; yay!