Sunday, June 19, 2011

Plein Air at Little Round Top by Linda Young

Little Round Top and Monument
9 x 12 unframed

This is the scanned painting which I did of Little Round Top. You can see more color in the sky and there is no blue tint as in the photograph on the first post.  This one shows the true colors and for me, I think it's my favorite of all the plein air paintings I did.

I didn't know if I should update the picture on the first post, or put the updated one here; so,  decided to put it on the DPP blog in a new post.

It was great to see everyone's work at the Train Station today. Many gorgeous works!  Congratulations to everyone who was successful with sales of their art today.

Linda Young's watercolor website


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I like this VERY much, Linda!

Pat Koscienski said...

Linda, you did a great job with all your plein air paintings. This is my favorite, also.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Both of the paintings look good, but this one looks more "airy" It has a sunnier, more outdoor look.

Dianne Lorden said...

Linda, this is such a sensitive rendition of Little Round Top. I very much appreciate the "feel" of it and think it's a lovely piece.

Unknown said...

Claire-- thanks for your guidance and suggestions during my adventure into plein air painting;
Pat, Cecelia you'd have loved it if you were there and Dianne, nice to see you at the train station and your friendly waves from your car as you and your husband drove by.
Thanks to all for your comments.

Christine Marx said...


Beautiful painting. I love the softness around it!

Unknown said...

Thank you Christine