Monday, June 20, 2011

Chimney Pots, 24 x 30, oil, by Ron Donoughe

When you look at all the hillsides around here one thing jumps out – repeated patterns. Most of it is the geometric shapes of houses. The idea behind this painting was the red chimney pots and how they created small areas of interest as the light caught them. It was a rather complicated scene that I did before as an 11 x 14 study. This piece was a combination of the study and a photo.


Christine Marx said...

Another fabulous piece Ron. Great composition. I love complicated scenes and paintings that have so much in them that the viewer sees something different every time they look at it.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Beautiful painting Ron. Hope we can catch up soon.

Taryn Day said...

There is nothing so lovely as a hill for creating interesting compositions. Wonderful job, as usual.

Cecelia Lyden said...

I'm feeling very nostalgic in my late years and many of your works bring me back to Tarrytown, NY, our hometown--this is one of them. Most of TT was built on a hill, looking west at the Hudson River. I lived at the bottom of one hill--looked up at such scenes all my young life--Thanks for sharing your beautiful painting and "thanks for memories."