Monday, January 10, 2011

Fall at Fuller Lake by Mary Beth Brath

Fall at Fuller Lake
8x10" Acrylic on Canvas
This painting was blocked in on site a couple of years ago at Fuller Lake located in Southern PA. A group of us were out painting together and it was really cold. My fingers were numb and feet were frozen. I played with this painting now and then in my studio but never "showed" it. The first week of 2011, I decided to complete a few around my studio that have haunted me. It is complete and has been varnished! I completed another over the last week of the Susquehanna River and will post the results soon. I just need to photograph and varnish.


Dianne Lorden said...

Hi, Mary Beth, and Happy New Year to you!
I'm so glad you completed this because it's very rich and deep - even kind of mysterious. Packs a lot of punch for its size!

Debra Kreiger said...

Very nice Mary Beth. The painting shimmers with that little touch of red against the rich greens.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I remember that very, very cold day! So glad you finished this, Mary Beth - it really captures the feel of the day.

Autumn Leaves said...

Oh so pretty!