Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Mouse trap caper, by Linda Young

Title:  "The mouse trap caper"
5" x 7"
Watercolor by Linda Young
Today's painting was intended to be done just for fun; a way to relax with no goal in mind but one. To play. The painting started out with just the artist's name and the application of a few different transparent colors and cross-hatched lines drawn around. Then, someone's imagination just started to run rampant and the painting took on a life and story of its own... I hope you don't mind if I share it with you.

"Ellery West, the West Highland terrier, #1 private eye" (the case of the missing cheese)

The drama can be seen unfolding as I look out of the Microsoft Windows...

Mice appeared from out of nowhere! On the street above, "Ellery West" hears the plea to locate the missing cheese which is somewhere in the bowels of the maze below. There's the "hole and cracked wall" headquarters in the lower right corner; inside, a detective is going over the clues as to who or what stole the cheese. Mice are crawling everywhere...some are climbing the stairs up to the line-up, where three suspects are standing waiting to be interrogated.

Cameras are found in assorted places throughout the maze to try to catch the thieves in the act. Some of the mice are just hanging out reading The Daily Cheese News; others are just running around over the letters of the artist's name to confuse the trail; some are just hiding out. There is that one big mouse perched upon the letter "L" having its fill of what looks like a crumb of cheese.

Could that be the culprit that has stolen the whole block of cheese? Will private eye, "Ellery West" catch that mouse in time before the evidance is gone? Stay tuned, more madcap adventures to follow....(or not)

Editor's note:
(For those of you who think I've lost my ever-lovin' mind...I have; but the neat thing about it is, I never really had it to begin with!)

Have a wonderful day, to you all, and remember to lighten up and smile!
Linda Young blog
Linda Young's watercolor website


Autumn Leaves said...

A fabulous and quite nefarious piece, Linda!

Dianne Lorden said...

This is crazy fun to look at! Thanks for posting it!

Unknown said...

Agreed, it's crazy and nefarious too, I guess. I had to look it up to find out it means "wicked", Sherry.

Debra Kreiger said...

Well this piece and the story did make me chuckle! Thanks Linda!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Your imagination and ingenuity never fail to impress me, Linda. This is very clever!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all your enlightening comments too!