Sunday, January 16, 2011

"End of Summer". Oil Pastel by Tatiana Myers.

"End of Summer".
 14 x 11" Oil & Oil Pastel on board.

This is my latest finished landscape painting what was done in two stages. First stage I did us underpainting in oils and them finished it with layering of  Oil Pastels. Like usually i was using solvent with Oil Pastels to make it look more "paint-like", but also some drawing was involved. So this work is a perfect combination of painting and drawing. i also took advantage of texture of heavy underpainting. It is different from my other landscapes, but I like it.

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Mary Beth Brath said...

Really love the purple and green on the ground. Then the strong values on the tree trunk really make you focus. Very interesting. Then again - I also love the second photo of your underpainting!

Joe Kluck said...

very nice TM

Kathy Michels said...

Very beautiful work Tatiana. I always enjoy seeing what different techniques you use to achieve such wonderful results. This has such a mystical feel to it. Great Work!

blah said...

Really wonderful work! Love it!

Debra Kreiger said...

Very nice Tatiana. I can see how you get so much depth the painting with that wonderful under painting. Thanks for sharing.

Tatiana said...

Thank You very much!

It was another experiment with support and underpainting and it was success. I wish i can say the same about my second one I just finished on canvas board with no underpainting. That one turned to be a disastrous experience. Oh, well, you have to try to figure out, what works for you and what doesn't.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This has such a wonderful, ambient light. I love it!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Claire!