Monday, November 15, 2010

Susquehanna from Goldsboro by Mary Beth Brath

Susquehanna River From Goldsboro by Mary Beth Brath
11x14" acrylic on canvas
This painting was started on site (plein air) and finished in my studio. It is currently available at the Art & Soul Gallery in Lemoyne.


Unknown said...

Beautiful, calm scene. Did you add the Great Blue Heron or was he really there?

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Mary Beth, I love the way my eye is lead through this painting. It's as if I am on that boat travelling down the river, able to observe and enjoy each lovely passage.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Mary Beth--I love the coloring in the background trees and the sky--their softness makes this a peaceful scene--one any fisherman would love.

Amy Lindenberger said...

Lovely, Mary Beth -- really nice atmosphere and mood! (Not to mention skillful handling of the greens.) Great job!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Charlotte - the wildlife along the Susquehanna is very abundant. The Heron was actually there, but the fishermen were added for interest.

Sunny said...

Absolutely lovely! Makes one want to go fishing there!

Debra Kreiger said...

Yes, I agree with Sunny, it looks like a great place to fish. Very calm and serene. Beautiful!