Monday, November 15, 2010

Workshop Portrait, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

I can't say enough about how much I got out of 
the Judy Carducci workshop.
 Anatomy is so important.
So is observation, angles, planes...
And a good pair of bifocals. 
(Will be making appointment this week.)
Also having your materials organized and prepared.
I dropped my pastels, that were in pizza boxes, in foam sections, 
(which work really well in my studio, not for travel), 
and they got mixed up.
(Will be looking into a new storage system.)
This is my pastel on 18x24 wallis paper 
from day two of the workshop. 
I needed to stop fifteen minutes before to leave 
the hands and bottom looser, or need fifteen minutes more 
work time to tighten it up some. Another thing to learn.


Unknown said...

Portraits are my favorite things to do in watercolor and I think you did a wonderful impression of your subject with the pastels! I love the way you suggested the left hand.

Amy Lindenberger said...

This is really nice, Maria. I know Judith -- I'm not sure if she's still located there but I was involved with a group of artists from Hudson, OH many years ago, and she was a member. I've admired her work many times. Looks like you got a tremendous amount out of that workshop!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is lovely, Maria. Without even knowing the girl, I feel as if I do because you have captured her spirit.
I had to laugh when I read about you dropping your pastels - my very first time using pastels in a life drawing class, I walked into the room...the pastel box slid out from under my arm...and the floor was suddenly littered with bits and pieces of color...brilliant bits of color, but not near as brilliant as the red of my face!