Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Miniature Watercolor by Kathy Michels

After just finishing my large piece at 40" x 25" it was time to do something small. This one is just 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" - quite a change after spending months on a large, intense piece. I went through my photos last night and found this peaceful little piece. I took the photo several years ago at one of the piers in Cedar Keys, FL. It is a beautiful little beach with piers, shops and restaurants lining the way. It has that small town charm. The varioius birds there are so friendly and so use to people they will come and sit right by you. They just seem to join in watching the Gulf waters with you forgetting they are birds.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love the pelicans, and the way they fly in a line...this is a lovely, soft painting of this beautiful bird.

Pat Koscienski said...

Talking about the Large and the Small of it. You made a good adjustment going between the 2. Nice job.