Friday, November 19, 2010

Along Water's Edge by Linda Young

Along Water's Edge
Watercolor 13-3/4 x 23”
 Linda Young, artist

This is another story from living "Out West" and the reasons I painted this landscape.

Off in the distance the line cabin was the only place one could go to if caught out in bad weather and find shelter. Sometimes, the fog came down between the hills and into the meadows; the mornings were so quiet and peaceful when that fog came rolling in! It would become so thick you could hardly see the cabins, outbuildings and barns let alone the horses in the pasture.

There were always fresh trout to be caught in the Mountain Rivers running through the pastures and in the well-made beaver ponds. Many times they were the main course for the meal. Sometimes, fried trout were the only things we had to eat.

I had a beautiful bay mare that I trained to ride when she was three years old; she was an American Quarter Horse named Miss Windee Breeze. In this painting, she would be the one running toward the others, snorting, whinnying and bucking because she realized she wasn’t with the herd. Before I got Windee, another horse was a big sorrel named “King” which I used to ride in parades and into the mountains. At one point, there were 15 horses in our string. King is the one looking toward the elk.

In the distance a bull elk whistles to stake claim to his territory and cows. An elk’s whistle teeth are the only American Ivory in the United States. (So I was told)

Well, the horses, cabins and other material things are probably all long gone by now; it has been thirty years since I’ve been here. Yet, the memories will always be a part of me.

Painting Number two of Western series.
Linda Young Watercolors website


Bertie Brown said...

you've achieved great distance in this work.I especially like that fence row.

Pat Koscienski said...

What a story this painting has. Beautifully done.

Dianne Lorden said...

It's really evocative; I love all the use of violet tones. A very enjoyable autumn painting!

Unknown said...

Thank you for commenting; Love those violets too!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

A wonderful story, and a beautiful painting to go with it. What a joy to recall these lovely memories, then transfer them onto paper.

Mary Beth Brath said...

This is one awesome post Linda. Your painting is so exquisite and I really enjoyed reading the post.

Kathy Michels said...

This is sooo beautiful Linda. Such a peaceful place to be. I loved to be able to read the story too! You did a wonderful job.