Thursday, October 7, 2010

Symphony Night At The Fulton Watercolors by Pennsylvania Daily Painter Bertie Brown Art is Instrumental

Symphony Night at the Fulton

original watercolor musical motif

Bravo! Symphony Sophie

Sophie and I

are Symphony bound

it’s our first try

at a concert in town

the program is unique

and kinda’ profound

with Sibelius, Dvorak

and a new guy, Marquez

the theater is grand

Sophie gazed around

then sat herself down

and gave Maestro a hand

when the music began

a horn spoke up

next a woodwind or two

and wonder of wonders

the bass trombone crooned

when the strings joined in

the percussion said wait

you need our rhythm

as the score clearly states

so with energy and style

the orchestra creates

a haven for a while

where we can go

to hear, sing and dream

until the last note

when we shout Bravo!


Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental

Lancaster, PA

for info, click: email



Julie Riker said...

Love this Bertie! I can almost hear them tuning up...and with 4 basses that must have been quite a sound!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

A symphony of color! This is beautiful, Bertie - and Sophie is so lucky to have you as her grandmother.

Mary Beth Brath said...

So timely! Phillip and I will be in Lancaster tonight to see the symphony. Your poem is so adorable and I feel like I am right there with you watching the joy on a child's face.

Unknown said...

Lovely! and now I know who Sophie is by what Claire wrote. Lucky little girl to be presented with art of all kinds by a talented grandma.

Bertie Brown said...

Enjoy the concert, Mary Beth...we loved the Marquez piece..interesting fun and lively!

Cecelia Lyden said...

This is wonderful Bertie--the orchestra, the audience, the theater--what a great job!