Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thank you Mary Beth!

Just want to say thank you to Mary Beth for all her hard work getting this show together. We arrived a bit early so we could look around the capitol. As we headed for the show we happened to catch Mary Beth putting last minute touches in place. It was great to meet everyone who we have gotten to know through their wonderful pieces of artwork and kind words. Now we could put those smiling faces together with those beautiful paintings. Looking forward to our next show!


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I agree with you whole-heartedly, Kathy. It takes a lot of time, effort and sacrifice to put together something like this, and Mary Beth did it all with finesse and grace. Thank you so very much, Mary Beth.
It was wonderful meeting you and many of the other DPP artists face to face, Kathy. It is one thing to see the artwork up on the blog, and quite another to see the real work, and the real artist.
What an experience!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, thank you Mary Beth for making this experience possible. It was great to to meet everyone and I am proud to be part of this beautiful exhibit.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I am sorry that I missed the opening... and meeting everyone. Thanks for all the work done.

Unknown said...

Thanks for having the foresight to coordinate this at the time you were starting up the DPP. You go girl! Kudos to you.

Bertie Brown said...

BRAVO, Mary Beth!

Pat Koscienski said...

A big thank you, Mary Beth. What an endeavor...
a great exhibit and a great chance to meet the artists.

Debra Kreiger said...

Thank You Mary Beth. Your the best!

L. O'Neal said...

I also thank you, Mary Beth. You are a blessing to the art community!

Dianne Lorden said...

Yes, Mary Beth .... huge, huge kudos to you for all your work and energy. You really make a difference.