Saturday, September 11, 2010

Linda Young has a Daily Painters of Pa photo on my blog

Check out my blog; I posted a photo of the group from yesterday at the Rotunda.  Kathy Michels is not in the photo...where were you Kathy?


Kathy Michels said...

Wow, what a great group shot from a wonderful event. So nice to meet everyone! (I'm short - don't you see me hiding in the back!)

Unknown said...

Kathy, if your husband took a picture of you there, I can photoshop you into the group photo. I did that for another person who arrived after the group was taken. If you have one, email it to me and I'll put you in it.

Unknown said...

I just noticed something; we are standing and sitting in an "S" curve. We can't help it can we? We are all artist's at heart, body and soul!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks, Linda!