Sunday, September 12, 2010

De-Composers Impressionistic Watercolor Floral/Dried Sunflowers by Pennsylvania Daily Painter Bertie Brown


original watercolor floral/dried sunflowers: 11"w x 15"h

And So It Goes

Seems the sun has turned a sudden cold shoulder

On our summertime romance,

Apparently now over.....

Gone are those golden sundrops

Dripping warmly on my face

Shivering shadows

Have now taken their place

While cobalt blue breezes

Rustle about,

Announcing the advancing autumnal season,

Teasing my t-shirts,

Taunting my short skirts...

My sun flowers are in ruins

Their beauty in tatters

Seeds, petals...leaves

Tossed about...scattered

So begins the march

Of the soldiering squirrels

As they gather the remains

Of my golden sun girls...

(As quickly as ants

At a picnic, they advance

And I thought finches

Were sunflower grinches!)

So I’m left with the memories

A great golden wall

Where my sunflowers surround me

Standing true, standing tall

But wait

Didn’t that sun just now say?

“I’ll be back”

For next summer’s jitter-bug days!


Bertie Brown - Lancaster, PA


info at: email


Debra Kreiger said...

Yes Bertie! Summer is wrapping up. What a great painting and poem.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Wonderful post as usual Bertie.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Still beautiful, even as they fade away...