Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Kings Gap Creek" watercolor WIP by Tatiana Myers

"Kings Gap Hollow Run" by Tatiana Myers
10 x 8 ", RTX board, watermedia Plein Air.

What a day! lot of things accomplished, including this painting. How I found out this little pretty creek is called "Kings Gap Hollow Run". Beautiful and very peaceful.
Love this place. And... i call this painting finished. Now it could be varnished and framed without glass, since it was painted on a board.

With questions about my art work e-mail me at .

To see more of my paintings visit my web site:


Autumn Leaves said...

Tatiana, I am absolutely mesmerized by the colors in the creek water. How stunning!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Autumn!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Beautiful, Tatiana. I have hiked around Kings Gap, and have seen some beautiful little springs and runs just like this. Wonderful!