Monday, September 6, 2010

Com-posers Series Impressionistic Watercolor Floral/ Sunflowers by Pennsylvania Daily Painter Bertie Brown


original watercolor floral/sunflower on Aqua Boards: various 6"w x 6"h / 5"w x 7"h

Harmonious Libretto

went out for a run

this very fine day

had lots to be done

stuff that gets in the way

of some fun in the sun

but nature’s libretto

called out ceremo-nious

in pleasing vibrato

a sound tremolo-nious

twas something I sought to

experience in perso-nious

and when I got done

on this very fine day

from my run in the sun

I was all tuned up and completely harmo-nious!


Bertie Brown - Lancaster, PA

info at: email


1 comment:

Deborah Nell said...

What beautiful sunflowers. And I enjoyed reading your prose. What a wonderful combination.