Saturday, September 11, 2010

Amity Hall Boat Launch by Lyn O'Neal

Amity Hall Boat Launch
9 x 12 inches
oil on canvas board
We had a windy, cool but beautiful day painting at the Amity Hall boat launch this past Thursday. It was a little chilly but I didn't mind in the least with all the heat we've had this summer. We saw a bald eagle flying above and two grey blue herons soaring over the waters. The light changed every minute or so since the clouds were large, puffy and moving fast. I made a quick thumbnail sketch when the sun was hitting the trees and tried to remember the colors that drew me to this scene. I have a few touch-ups to make but, for the most part, I'm calling this scene finished.


Cecelia Lyden said...

And I'm calling this painting beautiful--especially your sky and the area of sunlit foliage

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Lyn, you captured the essence of the day. This is a terrific painting, and makes me feel like I am right back there along the water enjoying the day!
(I have not looked at my painting since I brought it home, may have to take it out of my pochade box tomorrow and decide if I am finished!)

Pat Koscienski said...

Great painting, Lyn. It sure reflects the day.

Debra Kreiger said...

Wonderful painting Lynn!

L. O'Neal said...

Thanks all!

Dianne Lorden said...

Oh, Lynn. The softness is so inviting. I really like it! A beautiful spot, beautifully rendered.