Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Summer Poppies", WIP by Tatiana Myers.

"Summer Poppies"
14 x 11", Holbein DUO Oil on Ampersand  board.
My latest work in progress what I'm trying to keep simple and easy going. Just another mess of poppies.
I'm not sure: why I did so many poppy paintings this summer. Perhaps I just feel this way. This work is done in "free style" with very minimum drawing and with only one (and no so little!) brush. I may add some Oil Pastel for very final touch and make it "mixed media". Or not.  So far I'm just taking it easy and enjoying the process.

With questions about my art work e-mail me at .

To see more of my paintings visit my web site:


Tatiana said...

Thank You, Michael!
Nice is about the right word for it. I just wanted to do something simple... and nice!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great start Tatiana. I look forward to seeing the completed painting.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Mary Beth!

I feel getting stuck with this one... slightly. And I better do something about it. One of those cases when I'm working about one painting, but thinking about some other ones...Not unusual for me, I can stop in the middle of painting and start work on something else and then be back to my older work etc... I'm not so sure it is a great idea to stop in the middle of this one. It will dry and I'm not a biggest fan to work over totally dry oil. So I better finish it and then jump on something else.