Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big, blank, and challenging ... paintings by David Bottini, for Gabriel.

Ahh, a few days completing a painting and messing around with some sketches for a new, large painting. I have worked an earlier iteration and also just completed a small study to get back into the stunning glow of a memorable late November day in 2008. The light was wane, lemon yellow and the effect on a full autumn palette still stirs me. I took over 100 photos - and worked some quick on-site studies that day - knowing it was a combination of color and light that would resonate for me over time.

Pictures show both the small study (contrasted in front of the big "Daddy Bear" canvas)and the 10 X 8"study as a separate image. I spent time this morning - with a large sign painting brush and loose gestured a la prima approach (all work done with paint and brush)- setting in the preliminary sketch.

I will work the massing and under-painting as the next several hours work on the painting. It is a pleasure when the scale engages a physical approach - the pacing and "dance" of working into such a large piece.


Mark H Brown, Artist said...

Beautiful glow of yellow autumn leaves. I feel like I'm walking down the lane, smelling the cool fall air and basking in the radiant glow that a yellow canopy affords. Great piece.

Holly Lee said...

I just love this piece. One of my favorite things to do in the fall, is to walk through scenes like this one. The size of your chosen canvas makes this piece extraoridinary...I would like to see it in person.

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

Thanks, Mark - anxious to say hello in-person soon.

Thanks, Holly! I am loving the scale - it makes the studio more physically animated - as I work laying on my side, on my knees, and pacing back and forth in the process. I will likely have this piece in an upcoming exhibit at Mercersburg Academy's Burgin Arts Center - and then it will probably go to a gallery in DC or Santa Fe.