Thursday, August 19, 2010


Lithographs on Cold Press Paper
I was rummaging around in some portfolios and found several of these lithograph prints I did over 25 years ago. At that time, I was attending classes at Millersville University working for my art instructor certification for grades k-12. I am amazed at how fresh and clean these prints still are.
The black ink on white paper really help convey the mood I was in then--frustrated, tired travelling to classes, homework, housework, three children, up late and early, reading old news.
I drew the tree in Despair, from a huge, dying, old mulberry tree in our back yard with a gaping hole in its side. It was limb heavy to one side and we had the limbs wired in a way to support each other, but a huge thunderstorm with heavy winds began to topple it, so we had to have it removed. My final drawing left out its leaves and branches, suggesting its final demise.


Julie Riker said...

I always find it interesting to revisit my old paintings. Isn't it cool to see how your style has evolved through the years? And yet..for me anyway...there is always something that is constant throughout.
I hope your life is much calmer now. :)

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

These are wonderful, Cecelia, and just show the depth of your talent. I can so empathize with you - I went back to get my art degree after I was married and had two small children - it meant a lot of long nights studying and creating art - then up early to take care of my family.
But it sure was worth it!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Yes, it was worth it--I learned a lot, got my certification and had nearly 20 years afterwards to teach art to school age young people, continuing to learn and still learning.

Autumn Leaves said...

I so love the mood of the top piece...Well, actually I love the mood of both pieces! So cool!!