Sunday, December 2, 2012

For Unto Us Watercolors by daily Painter Bertie Brown

For Unto Us
original watercolor w/donkey: 11" x 14"
Sophie Says
what ho
I just want to know
who’s lying in that manger bed
with a stable roof o’er His head
and why are there reindeer 
flying in the night sky
with a guy in a sleigh 
following close behind
there’s a tree in our house
with packages strewn about
that I’m not s’posed to touch
and there seems to be such
a decorating fuss
it’s confusing, you know
for a three year old, so
I’ll just ask BB
I’m hoping that she
can explain it to me!
Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental
click: BertiEmail for info
click: BertiesBlog to view more Berties
click: BertieSmugmug for available prints

1 comment:

Pat Koscienski said...

Bertie, beautiful color, depth and composition. I love your paintings.