Sunday, December 23, 2012

Burden Burro Watercolors by Daily Painter Bertie Brown

Burden Burro
original watercolor w/donkey, poppy, horn: 11" x 14"

orphaned and yet
the feeling I get
is one of relief
along side the grief
tis mine but to bear
like that burro up there
who carries his load
while he trots down the road
I watch him go by
and hear myself sigh
that’s how this life goes
but it’s still hard to know
Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental
click: BertiEmail for info
click: BertiesBlog to view more Berties
click: BertieSmugmug for available prints


Unknown said...

I love the colors and abstract forms

Debra Kreiger said...

Abstract form is wonderful and the color so rich. Nice insight with the poem!

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

Nice Bright and BOLD Colors!!!