Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rockport Rhapsody Still Life Watercolors by daily Painter Bertie Brown

Rockport Rhapsody
original still life watercolor w/bottle, marbles, crayons: 18" x 22"

with holiays encroaching
my house is invoking
a welcoming style
so do come on in
and visit awhile
I’ll put on some tunes
how’s Beethoven for you?
and we can create
our own unique view
in my small art room
I’ve got Rockport blues
in a bottle or two
a napkin that’s new
and Salem Witch balls
in colorful hues
So if you’ve got time
and paint, any kind
( you could borrow mine)
the still life’s set up
and looks so sublime
 Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental
click: BertiEmail for info
click BertiesBlog to view more Berties
click: BertieSmugmug for available prints


Sunny said...

The crayons make this painting, Bertie. Fantastic as usual!

Dianne Lorden said...

It is all really great - crisp and clean, with amazing brilliance - but the cloth grabs me the most. Looks like something vintage that was cared for really lovingly.