Saturday, September 8, 2012

Three paintings from an island in Maine by Taryn Day

Evening Light on the Casco Bay
oil on paper

I think this is perhaps my favorite of the paintings I did on Peaks Island, Maine last week. The situation didn't last long, so I painted like my pants were on fire. Here is another one:

Rocks and Waves
oil on paper

One more, this one a view of Cushing Island as seen from Peaks Island, both just off the coast of Portland. I've never painted so many rocks as I did this past week.

From One Island to Another
oil on paper

To see more of my work visit:


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

The 1st painting really STANDS out...What a nice show of muted, and true colors!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Your usual capturing of the essence with minimum brushstrokes--so nice.

Bertie Brown said...

I LOVE them all! I was near by in Rockport MA last week....LOVE New England!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Wow, love all of these!
You really get around...

Ron Donoughe said...

I like the top one best too. Does that work, setting your pants on fire?